Continuing Education Credits Are Available in So Many Ways!

Online Management Courses
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The Sustainability Management Association is a proud partner of MindEdge to achieve your continuing education in management and sustainability management.
The online courses cover many topics to prepare you for Project Management Institute, Society of Human Resource Management, Lean Six Sigma, ISO, Sustainability Accounting, Sustainability Management, Women in Business, Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, and so much more! The courses have exercises, small quizzes to test your retention, and you receive a certificate of completion.
Gain your CEU credits to maintain your SMCP or SMCA’s 15-hours of continuing education over a three-year period.
These courses are appropriate for all levels of managers and include a full portfolio of 33 professional development courses. Click on the course title for course description, pricing, and purchasing.To receive CEU credit, please contact us at [email protected] and attach the certificate of completion.
Online Certification Video Course Pack
Click here to gain CEU credits by reviewing the Sustainabiity Management Certified Professional (SMCP) video pack to refresh your memory on a particular subject: * Strategy * Goal Setting * Systems Thinking * Metrics and Key Performance Indicators * Envronmental Metrics * Sustainable Materials Management Audit Process * Social Responsibility Metrics * 3rd Party Certifications * Sustainability Reporting * Communications Strategies